27 July, Saturday

Materials with tag «gasoline»

Gas, oil, electricity and gasoline production decreases in Uzbekistan in February
26 March 2024, 09:14

Gas, oil, electricity and gasoline production decreases in Uzbekistan in February

Gas, oil, electricity, and gasoline production in Uzbekistan dropped in February. In a month, gas output decreased by 284.4 million cubic meters, gasoline by 8,100 tons and electricity by 626.6 million kWh. c

Production of gas, oil and other energy resources in Uzbekistan continues to fall
21 February 2024, 14:32

Production of gas, oil and other energy resources in Uzbekistan continues to fall

In late January, Uzbekistan’s gas production dropped 9.4% to 3.99 billion cubic meters from January 2023, though it remained higher than recent months. Oil, coal, gasoline, and diesel production also declined. The number of operational industrial enterprises decreased by 25,200.

Price of AI-80 gasoline in Uzbekistan is planned to be limited
4 January 2024, 13:09

Price of AI-80 gasoline in Uzbekistan is planned to be limited

Price limit of 8,000 Uzbek soums is planned to be imposed on the sale of AI-80 gasoline at all gas stations in Uzbekistan. Additionally, Tatneft, Lukoil, Gazpromneft and Saneg will participate in constructing over 80 gas stations along main highways to promote competition in the market.

President of Uzbekistan instructs to create gasoline and diesel fuel reserves
11 May 2023, 20:36

President of Uzbekistan instructs to create gasoline and diesel fuel reserves

The President ordered the creation of a fuel reserve for gasoline and diesel. He also announced that loans will be provided to fuel importers to supplement their working capital. In addition, he set a target of installing 900 electric car chargers across the country by the end of 2023.

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