On May 1, the Central Election Commission announced the final results of the referendum on Uzbekistan’s new constitution held on Sunday.
Central Election Commission Chairman Zainiddin Nizamkhojaev said at a briefing that due to serious irregularities detected, results were cancelled in three polling stations in Tashkent, Tashkent and Syrdarya regions. As a result, “insignificant changes” were made to the results.
Turnout in the referendum was 84.5% (previously reported as 84.54%). A total of 16,667,097 (16,673,189) out of 19,722,809 registered voters voted. Of these, 611,320 voted early.
A total of 90.2% (90.21%) of citizens who voted, or 15 034 608 people (was 15,040,055) voted in favour of amending the Constitution and 9.35% voted against, or 1,558,817 people (was also 9.35%, or 1,559,200).
The number of ballots declared invalid was 73,672 (73,934), or 0.44%.
According to the law, the CEC must publish the decision on the referendum on its official website and in official sources no later than 10 days after the referendum has been held. The decision (law) adopted as a result of the referendum enters into force from the day of official publication of the referendum results by the CEC. On the day of the official publication of the referendum results, the decision is sent to the chambers of the Oliy Majlis and to the President for the organization of its implementation.