27 July, Saturday

Materials with tag «railway»

Heads of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan approve establishment of joint venture between railway administrations
5 April 2024, 18:40

Heads of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan approve establishment of joint venture between railway administrations

Presidents of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan discussed Central Asian security and supported the establishment of a joint venture between the countries' railway administrations. It will be involved in the development of the trans-Afghan railway.

“The construction of China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway would guide “our region out of a transport impasse” — Akylbek Japarov
29 April 2023, 14:23

“The construction of China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway would guide “our region out of a transport impasse” — Akylbek Japarov

At the Tashkent Investment Forum, Akylbek Japarov, Kyrgyz PM, highlighted the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway’s potential to alleviate regional transport issues, connect roughly four billion people, and expand transport links from Asia to Europe and the Middle East.

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