27 July, Saturday

Materials with tag «photo report»

Photos: Morning namaz on Ramadan Hayit in Tashkent
10 April 2024, 16:26

Photos: Morning namaz on Ramadan Hayit in Tashkent

Mosques in Uzbekistan held morning prayers marking the conclusion of Ramadan. This year’s namaz was conducted under heightened security measures. Photo report from Khoja Ahrar Vali and Minor mosques in Tashkent.

Uzbekistan embarks on month of Ramadan. Photo report
11 March 2024, 10:04

Uzbekistan embarks on month of Ramadan. Photo report

From March 10, mosques across Uzbekistan began the evening taraweeh prayer for Ramadan. Gazeta.uz correspondent Evgeny Sorochin prepared a photo report from Ohun Guzar mosque, one of Tashkent’s oldest mosques built in 1850.

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