27 July, Saturday

Materials with tag «loan»

EBRD loans $238 million to Uzbekistan to modernize key regional road
2 May 2024, 20:30

EBRD loans $238 million to Uzbekistan to modernize key regional road

EBRD loaned Uzbekistan up to $238 million to reconstruct the road Urgench — Khonqa — Hazorasp — Toshsoqa — Amudaryo — A380 highway in Khorezm region, and build a bridge over the Amudaryo river. Following the reconstruction, the one-lane road will be expanded into a two-lane highway.

World Bank approves $50 million loan for Uzbekistan’s Digital Inclusion Project
20 April 2024, 18:03

World Bank approves $50 million loan for Uzbekistan’s Digital Inclusion Project

Ministry of Economy and Finance of Uzbekistan and World Bank signed an agreement for a $50 million concessional loan to support the Digital Inclusion Project. This loan aims to expand access to IT skills for thousands of young people residing in rural areas across the country.

Japan to loan Uzbekistan $246.2 million to continue economic reforms
20 February 2024, 12:28

Japan to loan Uzbekistan $246.2 million to continue economic reforms

Uzbekistan will receive from Japan a loan worth over $246.2 million to support economic reforms and socially vulnerable groups.

ADB to lend $240 million on improvement of rural roads in Uzbekistan
11 December 2023, 16:01

ADB to lend $240 million on improvement of rural roads in Uzbekistan

ADB will lend to Uzbekistan $240 million to improve 700 km of rural roads in all regions of the country. The project is expected to improve their capacity, quality, connectivity, and resilience to climate change.

World Bank approves $800 million loan to Uzbekistan
9 December 2023, 10:53

World Bank approves $800 million loan to Uzbekistan

The World Bank has approved $800 million of highly concessional and low-cost loans to Uzbekistan on favorable terms. Those are intended for implementation of reforms to accelerate the transition to a market economy. Funding will be invested into energy, railway, agriculture and other sectors.

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