27 July, Saturday

Materials with tag «climate change»

Persons with disabilities are more vulnerable to the consequences of climate change in Uzbekistan, says a World Bank study
8 January 2024, 10:00

Persons with disabilities are more vulnerable to the consequences of climate change in Uzbekistan, says a World Bank study

During natural disasters, persons with disabilities are most at risk because emergency alerts and evacuation routes may not be accessible to them. The World Bank conducted a study in Uzbekistan on this topic and shared recommendations on the needs of people with disabilities.

Uzbekistan to participate in COP28 in Dubai
13 November 2023, 13:37

Uzbekistan to participate in COP28 in Dubai

A delegation from Uzbekistan will take part in the UN Climate Change Conference, where it will present initiatives to combat climate change at the national, regional and global levels. The forum will be held on December 1−2 in Dubai within the framework of COP28.

Aziz Abduhakimov says Uzbekistan’s environmental situation is “very difficult”
2 June 2023, 21:44

Aziz Abduhakimov says Uzbekistan’s environmental situation is “very difficult”

From establishing a new ministry to degrading environmental situation in Uzbekistan. The minister Mr. Aziz Abduhakimov in an interview with Gazeta.uz spoke about environmental problems and ways out stipulated by presidential decree.

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