The Concept for development of competition was presented to president of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev on Monday, the president’s press service said. The document outlines tasks to reduce the participation of the state in the economy, liberalize the access to the markets and create equal conditions for the entrepreneurs.
The plans include abolition of excessive limitations and normative documents hindering the free access of the entrepreneurs to the markets, and easing the regulatory burden. In particular, permitting procedures and licenses will be replaced with compulsory liability insurance.
Independent market regulators will be introduced in the spheres of natural monopolies. Their participation will be limited in commodity markets associated with natural monopolies and where there are opportunities to develop competition.
It is also planned to reduce the scale of direct government procurement — it will be completely replaced with competitive methods.
The provision of individual government aid, which restricts competition, including exclusive rights, benefits, preferences and concessions, should be abolished.
Integration of information systems of government agencies will allow to conduct digital monitoring of all links in the pricing chain for socially significant products.
The system of non-disclosure and incentives for individuals who provide information about anti-competitive agreements and actions, and collusion will be introduced.
Thanks to implementation of the concept, it is expected to gradually eliminate 17 types of state monopolies in areas like energy, oil and gas, water management, road construction, railway and airport services.
President Shavkat Mirziyoyev said the share of the state in the economy should be significantly reduced, with transfer of certain functions to the private sector.
According to official data, more than 2,000 documents limiting competition were signed in the past three years by local governments and ministries.